Dating sites in Italy

Dating sites in Italy

If biting on the margarita pizza or sharing a plate of spaghetti at a candlelit dinner table is what a perfect date implies to you, Italy is the perfect destination for you. But, for juicing up the romance, you must find a perfect date in this new country in the first place. However, as an ex-pat or foreigner, finding the perfect match is quite challenging without the right guide and platform.

Worry not! As long as the quintessential Italian online dating sites are here, finding your soulmate is as easy as picturizing a perfect date night. Give this guide a quick read to collect the much-needed information about dating sites in Italy.

List of dating sites in Italy

woman on dating site
      English speaking customer service
      English speaking singles
      Platform with a community
      SSL protection
      Good platform

Dating platform



Largest dating site in Italy, offers casual and serious relationships – manual checked profiles – Simple and convenient



NextLove was created especially for the divorced or separated singles from all over the globe, seeking long-term relationships, true love, or just similar-minded people.


ashely logo

The best platform if you are looking for erotic adventures – 100% anonymous


parship Logo

Largest dating site in Italy – casual and serious relationships – manual checked profiles

Things you must know to get dating ready in Italy

Newcomers and foreigners can sometimes get puzzled by the unwritten yet widely popular dating ‘rules’ in Italy. Here are the top five dating ‘rules’ you can also find in Italy. So, let’s explore what these are.

  1. Your data can come late. If your date appears 10 to 20 minutes late, it’s alright. But, if the person is over 30 minutes late, reconsider looking for another one.
  2. Always show effort while getting ready for your date since wearing something casual on dates doesn’t work in Italy.
  3. Italian dating sites in Italy, like Tinder,, Ok Cupid, etc., is the gateway to the dating world.
  4. Although your date is an Italian guy or girl, they may also not know much about the city, just like you, an ex-pat

FAQ about dating sites in Italy

Depending on your requirements and expectations from a dating app, you can get your hands on anyone between a premium or free package. With dating sites in Italy free, you can usually set your profile, add your picture, and select dates. With a premium membership, you can send messages to your interests and enjoy unlimited features. So, select the one you want.

A fake profile on online dating sites generally contains a few features. These are:

  • A profile picture of a celebrity
  • No bio or description
  • Sends lots of cheesy DMs