Mobile operators in Italy

Mobile operators in Italy

Welcome to Italy! It is a beautiful country where all foreigners and ex-pats can lead high-quality lives. But, for a peaceful and hassle-free life in this foreign city, you must settle here at your early convenience. Once you successfully find an apartment, a job, and a car, it’s time to get your hands on the best mobile operator in Italy. Since mobile phones and an internet connection are a must to stay connected and up-to-date all the time, you can never ignore their necessity. We have developed a thorough guide that will enable you to find the best mobile operator in Italy.

List of mobile operators in Italy

All these mobile providers offer different connections and different bandwidth for different prices. Comparing the specifications of each mobile operator can be time-consuming. Are you wondering which operator offers the best deals or the best connection? We have listed the most reliable mobile providers in Italy below while using the following criteria:

mobile operator service provider
      English speaking customer service
      Best Internet speed/price
      Clear contracts (no hidden costs)
      Flexible contracts
      Fast delivery
      Data allowance
      Different connection options

Mobile Operator


TIM mobile internet

Owns large reliable network – 4G network and 5G ready everywhere – Free SIM card available


fastweb mobile logo

New player disrupting the telecom market – English website – Free number porting – High-speed internet – Simple and effective!


Keniamobile logo

One of the best mobile operators in Italy. Offers flexible contracts – competitive pricing and stable connection


Windrte mobile internet

Large telecom provider in Italy – good return policy and English speaking customer service

Mobile phone plans in Italy

Italy is a highly ex-pat-friendly country that offers not one but two types of mobile plans to all. You can get a contract, known as abbonamento and SIM only or ricaricabile.
When you opt for a contract, it comes with a fixed length of either one or two years. Therefore, if you do not want to continue with the plan, you can cancel it anytime. However, you may need to pay some cancellation fines, which is the main disadvantage of this deal.

However, if you compare SIM-only deals with this one, you can get many benefits in one package. Unlike other traditional plans, with this one, you have to pay for only the call minutes, SMS, and mobile data you use. Additionally, it is a highly flexible mobile data in Italy that offers you the convenience of selecting deals for several months. Therefore, cheap SIM-only plans are the best option if you already have Wi-Fi or do not need to use much data.

How to choose the best mobile provider in Italy?

In Italy, you can get your hands on many different Italy mobile operators and service providers since this country offers great deals and convenience to all ex-pats. So, as long as you have the right idea about choosing a mobile provider in Italy, you can efficiently select the best mobile operator in Italy. Let’s see some quick strategies for selecting the best mobile provider in Italy.

  • Checking the reputation of your selected mobile provider in Italy is a must since not all operators provide excellent services. If you get your hands on a service provider that has been in the market for a long and has great reviews, select it without any doubt.
  • The second thing you must look for is good customer service so that you can always contact and get a quick reply from the service provider in case of any issues.
  • Whatever mobile or mobile deal you select must fit your budget. Do not fall for providers who try to convince buyers of costly ones.
  • Always check out the network coverage provided by the mobile operator. If you often travel, always opt for the best mobile network in Italy to get more comprehensive coverage.
  • Select the deal that suits your budget, needs, and preferences. You can check out the best SIM-only plans in Italy for more info.

FAQ about mobile providers in Italy

The amount of data you need depends on you and how you use your mobile. For example, if you do not do much with your phone except checking your e-mails or WhatsApp texts occasionally, 1-2 GB of data can work excellently for you. However, if you browse the internet frequently, listen to music, and podcasts, use social media a lot, and more, you may need around 10 to 100 GB of data per month. 

SIM-only deals come with many benefits. Let’s see some of them.

  • SIM-only deals come with immense flexibility. With this type of mobile deal, you can customize your mobile plans at your convenience. For example, if you do not want to stick to a one to twelve-month deal, you can switch to a one-year to two-year one. 
  • This deal is cheaper than many other mobile deals. Additionally, you can select the price according to your choice. 
  • You can easily change your mobile set even if you are not changing the SIM card. Since the SIM-only deal only comprises the SIM card, changing the mobile phone does not matter. 

Some of the pros and cons of a SIM-only deal include: 


  • SIM-only deals are usually cheaper since they do not come with mobile phones. You only need to pay for the call minutes, SMS, and data you use. 
  • You can get your hands on 30-day SIM-only rolling contracts and other deals at your convenience. Therefore, it is a more flexible deal than others. 
  • Since you do not need to pay for the handset, having a bad credit score cannot affect the deal. 


  • Since SIM-only deals do not come with any handset, you have to pay for your own. 
  • Your phone might get locked. 

A SIM-only deal is a widely used mobile phone deal used by a huge number of people throughout the world. It works much like a conventional mobile phone contract where you have to pay the provider for the used data, phone calls, SMS, and other facilities. Generally, a SIM-only deal comes every month, where you must pay your mobile bills monthly. But, you do not get a new mobile phone included in the contract. But, normally, you get the SIM for free, and that is why this deal is known as a SIM-only deal.